Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Таможенникам важно определить истинное предназначение ввозимых товаров.
2. Мы начисляем пошлины на ввозимые товары.
3. Врач посоветовал соблюдать правила гигиены и оставаться дома на время болезни.
4. Таможенники сотрудничают с Налоговой инспекцией и другими правоохранительными органами.
5. При прохождении таможенного контроля пассажиры должны отвечать на во сотрудников таможни о своём багаже и предъявить его для досмотра.
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.
Start with: “The Customs officer asked a passenger…”
1. “Can you carry drugs, weapon of any kind, or ammunition?”
2. “Do you speak Russian?”
3. “Is this all your luggage here?”
4. “Have you got any things liable to duty?”
5. “How long are you going to stay in our country?”

bathory080904 bathory080904    3   26.03.2020 13:52    36

iavorskayavika iavorskayavika  26.03.2020 16:30

1.It is important for customs officials to determine the true destination of the imported goods.

2. We charge duties on imported goods.

3. The doctor advised to follow the rules of hygiene and stay at home for the duration of the illness.

4. Customs officers cooperate with the Tax Inspectorate and other law enforcement agencies.

5. When passing through customs control, passengers must answer questions from customs officers about their baggage and present it for inspection.

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