1. tick the question that is correct. (выберите предложение которое написано правильно)
1. would you mind telling me how many close friends you have?
2. i’d like to know how do you normally meet people.
3. could you tell me do you use any social networking sites?
4. can you tell me how do you spell your surname?
5. do you know how is the name mercedes pronounced in spanish?

2. correct the mistakes and type the correct sentences in the order they are given. mind the register and full stops/question marks.(исправьте ошибки и введите правильные предложения в том порядке, в котором они даны. обратите внимание на регистр и полные остановки / вопросительные знаки.)





mir32 mir32    2   15.09.2019 13:42    4

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