1. This beautiful building … three hundred years ago. a) Is built
b) Was build
c) Has been built
d) Was built

2. John said that he … this place before.
a) Has never seen
b) Never saw
c) Had never seen
d) Hasn’t never seen

3. Do you really think they are … to buy this expensive car?
a) Enough rich
b) Rich enough
c) Richer
d) Rich

4. Before she … she … her father.
a) Came home/had visited
b) Came home/has visited
c) Had come/visited
d) Had come/had visited

5. … sugar on the table?
a) Is there any
b) Are there any
c) Is there a few
d) Are there a few

6. I am going to England … English
a) To learn
b) For learning
c) For to learn
d) For learn

7. My birthday is … February 22.
a) At
b) To
c) On
d) In

8. My parents have been married … twenty years.
a) For
b) Since
c) From
d) Out of

9. At the moment John … a newspaper.
a) Reads
b) Is reading
c) Read
d) Is read

10. Do you know when …?
a) Will they come
b) Shall they come
c) They will come
d) Would they come

11. Tom says his house is … than Greg’s.
a) Biger
b) More big
c) Bigger
d) More bigger

12. Look at these two bicycles. This one is … and the other one is … .
a) My/her
b) Mine/her
c) My/hers
d) Mine/hers

13. Hello ,Peter. Have you got … news for me?
a) Any
b) A few
c) Few
d) Several

14. This is … .
a) Peter room
b) The room Peter
c) Peter’s room
d) Room Peter’s

15. When the weather … good we will go for a walk.
a)will be
d)would be

16. I think these boys are too young to wash…

17. I must go to the shop and buy … sugar and tomatoes.
a) A little/a little
b) A little/ a few
c) A few/a little
d) A few/a few

18. I must tell you that … too much beer is dangerous.
a) To drink
b) Drink
c) Drinking
d) To drinking

19. They hope they can … it easily.
a)to do
c)to doing

20. Yesterday I … an interesting film.
a) Watch
b) Watchd
c) Watched
d) Watchet

21. She says she … dinner at home.
a) Never eats
b) Doesn`t never eat
c) Never eat
d) Don`t ever eat

22. How many … do you want to have in this wardrobe?
a) Shelfs
b) Shelfes
c) Shelvs
d) Shelves

23. … doctor Smith! Jimmy is sick!
a) Call
b) You call
c) You do call
d) Call to

valeryahasko070 valeryahasko070    3   11.06.2020 13:03    15

kirill67r kirill67r  15.10.2020 13:47

1. This beautiful building … three hundred years ago.

d) Was built

2. John said that he … this place before.

c) Had never seen

3. Do you really think they are … to buy this expensive car?

b) Rich enough

4. Before she … she … her father.

a) Came home/had visited

5. … sugar on the table?

c) Is there a few

6. I am going to England … English

a) To learn

7. My birthday is … February 22.

c) On

8. My parents have been married … twenty years.

a) For

9. At the moment John … a newspaper.

b) Is reading

10. Do you know when …?

c) They will come

11. Tom says his house is … than Greg’s.

c) Bigger

12. Look at these two bicycles. This one is … and the other one is … .

d) Mine/hers

13. Hello ,Peter. Have you got … news for me?

a) Any

14. This is … .

c) Peter’s room

15. When the weather … good we will go for a walk.


16. I think these boys are too young to wash…


17. I must go to the shop and buy … sugar and tomatoes.

b) A little/ a few

18. I must tell you that … too much beer is dangerous.

c) Drinking

19. They hope they can … it easily.


20. Yesterday I … an interesting film.

c) Watched

21. She says she … dinner at home.

a) Never eats

22. How many … do you want to have in this wardrobe?

d) Shelves

23. … doctor Smith! Jimmy is sick!

a) Call

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