1) they had never sent him on his own before so he felt a bit nervous in the train. 2)john's parents sent him to a boarding school at the age of ten. 3)but after some older boys had taken him round the school and invited him to play football he knew he would be happy there.4) before he left they gave john some money and his father told him to obey the teachers.5) john realized he would have to live with twenty other boys.6) when he arrived at his school one of the teachers showed him to his потрібно розкласти речення у такому порядку, щоб утворилась історія..іть будь ласка!

Keliris Keliris    2   04.06.2019 14:50    0

andrei822 andrei822  05.07.2020 14:08
2, 1, 6, 5, 3, 4
Должно быть так :)
mrzus mrzus  05.07.2020 14:08
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