1)there is in this city. i want to move to the country. 1. a lot 2. many 3. few 4. much 2)there noise coming from the house next door. can you go over there and ask them to keep it down? 1. many 2. much 3. a lot 4. fewer 3)you have to get a second job because we need money to make ends
meet. 1. much 2. more 3. many 4. a lot 4)i only have a orchids. however, i want to buy more in the future. 1. lesser 2. few 3. some 4. fewer 5)do you have money to pay for your car insurance? 1. little 2. a lot 3. enough 4. fewer 6)i need to get gas. my tank is almost empty. i am
going to fill up at the gas station on the corner. 1. any 2. some 3. many 4. much 7)we need computers for the students in this classroom. there are 20 studentsin this class, but we have only 15 computers. 1. a little 2. more 3. a lot 4. much 8)we should ride our bicycles to work more so
that we can cut down on air pollution. there is pollution in this city. 1. few 2. some 3. much 4. many 9)you have of candles in your house. 1. a lot 2. many 3. much 4. some  10)i get cavities these days because i started flossig my teeth at night. 1. fewer 2. a lot 3. any 4. much

саша2006101 саша2006101    2   08.10.2019 02:10    2

Kamilla0707 Kamilla0707  10.10.2020 03:14

1-4 2-3 3-2 5-3 6-2 7-2 8-3 9-1

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