1. The phone is ringing. - I … (answer) it. 2. You haven't finished your homework yet. -- I know. I (finish) it after I have a bath. 3. Do you like singing? -- Yes, I do. I (be) a singer. 4. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? -- I can't. I (study) for my exams. 5. Please write to us. - I promise we (write) regularly. 6. Have you made plans for Christmas? -- Yes, I … (visit) my parents in Brighton. 7. My car is old. I (look for) a new one next month. 8. It's raining outside. Take an umbrella or you…… (get) wet. 9. The buses are not running tomorrow. Peter (walk) to work. 10. I (pay) for the drinks this time. (not/miss) tonight's match (wash) him in a few It's my turn. 11. I'm sure John on TV. 12. The dog is dirty. - I know. I I kno minutes. 13. It's Sarah's birthday tomorrow. Her husband (probably/cook) something special for her. 14. Mary… party next week. She has already invited most of her friends.


petrachenkov201 petrachenkov201    1   06.12.2021 20:20    522

Слон145 Слон145  28.12.2023 10:59
1. The phone is ringing. - I will answer it.
To answer the phone means to pick it up and respond to whoever is calling.

2. You haven't finished your homework yet. -- I know. I will finish it after I have a bath.
The person acknowledges that they still have homework to complete, but they have other priorities, such as taking a bath, before they can finish it.

3. Do you like singing? -- Yes, I do. I want to be a singer.
The person enjoys singing and has a desire to become a professional singer in the future.

4. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? -- I can't. I need to study for my exams.
The person declines the offer to go out for dinner because they have an important task at hand, which is studying for their exams.

5. Please write to us. - I promise we will write regularly.
The person assures the requestor that they will regularly send written communication as requested.

6. Have you made plans for Christmas? -- Yes, I will visit my parents in Brighton.
The person has already decided to visit their parents in Brighton for Christmas.

7. My car is old. I will look for a new one next month.
The person states their intention of searching for a new car the following month because their current car is old.

8. It's raining outside. Take an umbrella or you will get wet.
The person advises another person to take an umbrella to avoid getting wet in the rain.

9. The buses are not running tomorrow. Peter will walk to work.
Due to the unavailability of buses, Peter will choose to walk to his workplace instead.

10. I will pay for the drinks this time. I will not miss tonight's match.
The person takes responsibility for paying for the drinks and affirms their commitment to not miss the match happening that evening.

11. I'm sure John will be on TV.
The person expresses confidence that John will appear on television.

12. The dog is dirty. - I know. I will wash him in a few minutes.
The person acknowledges that the dog is dirty and states their intention to wash the dog shortly.

13. It's Sarah's birthday tomorrow. Her husband will probably cook something special for her.
The person believes that Sarah's husband will likely prepare a special meal for her birthday.

14. Mary will give a party next week. She has already invited most of her friends.
Mary will host a party in the upcoming week, and she has already sent invitations to a majority of her friends.
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