1 The doctor told the patient to while they checked his blood type. (wait)
2 I
well with everyone else in my
Biology class. (have a good relationship)
3 It's unlikely that cloning animals will
for various reasons. (become popular)
4 The audience
as the scientist
replicated his experiment live on stage. (watch)
5 When I finished my biology course, I
my textbooks
(give something to someone else)
to my brother.

6 The students decided to
a show
during Science Week. (arrange an event)

помогитепожалуйста95 помогитепожалуйста95    3   20.09.2020 21:30    11

HupiTip HupiTip  20.10.2020 21:31

1) hold on

2)get on

3) put on

4)look on

5)pass sth on

6)catch on

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