1.The car is broken down. It won't work is not going to work isn't working 2.Don't be afraid, I... you.. J won't hurt am not going to hurt
3.She has a lot of work to do. I doubt she... is going to come will come
4. The sky is dark. It... a storm, will be is going to be is being
5. The sky is dark. It... a storm. C is being will be is going to be
6. Have you heard that Tom... abroad next month? will go is going to go
7. We... to London tomorrow. will fly are flying J
8. I'm sure 1... to this job. will be up am up will being up am going to be up
9.1... to the country. Do you think it's a good idea? move will move
10... your car? am going to am moving Will you sell Are you going to sell Are you selling
11. Have you heard the news? The government is going to demit
12, 1... today. I... you. C will help um cleaning. will clean... will help am cleaning... am going to help am going to clean... will help
13, I don't know how to use it. Don't panic, I... you.. will show am showing C am going to show will demit is demitting is going are going to fly am not hurting is coming

Vera2200 Vera2200    2   02.02.2022 08:47    79

иван1159 иван1159  14.01.2024 20:20
"1. The car is broken down. It won't work" - The correct answer is "isn't working". This is because the sentence is talking about the current state of the car, which is that it is not functioning properly. "Won't work" refers to a future action, but in this case, we are describing the car's current condition.

2. "Don't be afraid, I... you.. J won't hurt" - The correct answer is "am not going to hurt". This is because the speaker is assuring the person that they have no intention of causing harm in the future. "Won't hurt" could also be correct, but using "am not going to hurt" emphasizes the speaker's present intention.

3. "She has a lot of work to do. I doubt she... is going to come" - The correct answer is "will come". This is because the sentence is expressing uncertainty about Susan's future action of coming. "Is going to come" indicates a planned or expected action.

4. "The sky is dark. It... a storm" - The correct answer is "is going to be". This is because the dark sky suggests that a storm is in the future. "Will be" could also be correct, but using "is going to be" emphasizes the prediction based on the current situation.

5. "The sky is dark. It... a storm." - The correct answer is "is going to be". This is because we are predicting that the dark sky will lead to a storm in the near future. "Will be" could also be correct, but using "is going to be" emphasizes the prediction based on the current situation.

6. "Have you heard that Tom... abroad next month?" - The correct answer is "is going to go". This is because we are talking about Tom's future plan to travel abroad. "Will go" could also be correct, but using "is going to go" emphasizes the plan or intention.

7. "We... to London tomorrow." - The correct answer is "are flying". This is because the sentence is referring to a future action that has already been scheduled or planned. "Will fly" could also be correct, but using "are flying" emphasizes the scheduled nature of the action.

8. "I'm sure I... to this job." - The correct answer is "will be up". This is because the speaker is expressing confidence in their ability to meet the demands of the job in the future. "Am up" or "am going to be up" are not correct options for this sentence.

9. "1... to the country. Do you think it's a good idea?" - The correct answer is "will move". This is because the sentence is talking about a future action of relocating to the country. "Move" is the appropriate verb form for expressing a planned action.

10. "... your car?" - The correct answer is "Are you going to sell". This is because we are asking about the person's intention or plan to sell their car in the future. "Am going to" or "am moving" do not fit in this sentence.

11. "Have you heard the news? The government is going to demit" - The correct answer is not provided in the options. The most appropriate options could have been "is going to step down" or "is going to resign". "Demit" is not a commonly used verb in this context.

12. "1... today. I... you." - The correct answer is "will help... will clean". This is because the speaker is expressing their willingness to assist or support the person today. "Am cleaning... am going to help" or "am going to clean... will help" do not fit the structure of the sentence.

13. "I don't know how to use it. Don't panic, I... you.." - The correct answer is "will show". This is because the speaker is reassuring the person that they will demonstrate or teach them how to use it in the future. "Am showing" or "am going to show" also work in this context.

It's important to note that some answers may have more than one correct option depending on the context and intended meaning. However, the provided answers are based on the most common and appropriate usage in the given sentences.
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