1. рим древний город. 2. ирландия, шотландия и уэльс являются частями соединенного королевства. 3. он окончил университет 6 лет назад. 4. уильям шекспир великий драматург, родился в 1564 году в . 5. я ничего ни сказал. не слова. 6. вода состоит из водорода и кислорода. 7. после обеда я выпил чашку кофе. 8. сегодня вода в реке не такая теплая, как вчера. 9. вчера я играл в компьютерные игры. 10. как часто ты ходишь к зубному врачу? перевести

Diana120000 Diana120000    2   29.05.2019 01:20    0

Ommttika Ommttika  01.10.2020 14:01
1. Rome is an ancient city 
2. Ireland, Scotland and Wales are the parts of the United Kingdom 
3. He graduated from university six years ago 
4. William Shakespeare is a great English playwriter. He was born in 1564 in England
5. I said nothing. No words
6. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
7. I drank a cup of tea after dinner
8. Today (the) water in the river isn't as warm as it was yesterday
9. I played computer games yesterday
10. How often do you visit a dentist? 
makusolka makusolka  01.10.2020 14:01
1. Rome is an ancient city.
2. Ireland, Scotland and Wales are the parts of the United Kingdom.
3. He graduated from university six years ago.
4. Willian Shakespare is a great English playwright. He was born in 1564 in England.
5. I didn't say anything. None of the words.
6. Water doesn't consist of hydrogen and oxygen.
7. I drank a cup of tea after dinner.
8. Today water in the river is not that warm that was yesterday.
9. Yesterday I played computer games.
10. How often do you visit a dentist?
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