1. rewrite the following sentences in the passive then translate them. police use trained dogs to find drugs.- trained dogs are used by police to find drugs. nurses give the patients their medicine every morning. a lifeguard rescued the drowning boy. an electrician is repairing out water heater. a defense lawyer will represent you. customs officers searched her suitcases. a gas leak had caused the explosion. the government has increased the tax on cigarettes.

fackaF39 fackaF39    2   01.07.2019 04:10    43

Narine10 Narine10  02.10.2020 16:59
Перевод первого - тренированные собаки используются полицейскими для для того, чтобы найти наркотики
2. the patients are given their medicine by nurces every morning - пациентам мед сестры дают лекарство каждое утро
3. the drowning boy was saved by a lifeguard - утопающий мальчик был
4. water heater is being repaired by an electrician - водонагреватель ремонтируется электриком
5. you will be represented by a defense lawyer - вас будет представлять адвокат защиты
6 her suitcases were serched by custom officers - ее чемоданы были досмотрены таможенниками
7.the explosion had been caused by a gas leak - взрыв был вызван утечкой газа
8 the tax on cigarettes has been increased by the government - налог на сигареты был повышен правительством
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