Read the text.
We get heat from different sources: sun, electricity, fire, friction. We need heat to: keep warm, iron clothes, boil water,cook.
Fire safety : a fire burns, it has flames. Take care! The flames are very hot and dangerous. Fire can burn your skin. If you burn your skin, hold it under cold water. Fire can burn buildings, a forest. Never play with matches. You might start a fire. Water and sand put out a fire. If your clothes catch fire, don’t run. Lie down and roll slowly.
Answer the questions: Why do we need heat? How can we keep fire safety? What is the harm of the fire? (write full answer). Дайте развернутые полные ответы по данной теме.
(5 points)
2. Writing. Вы изучали тему Floating and sinking, смотрели видео про Грузовой корабль по ссылке.
Please answer: Why a large ship can carry a heavy cargo and why the ship doesn’t sink?
(5 points)
3. What liquid is water? Give a definition. How things dissolve in water? (Смотрите план самостоятельной работы