1 Reading
1. 1 Read the text on the right. What is the purpose of the email?
a to raise sponsor money for a charity event
b to give information about a charity event
c to help organize a charity event
1.2 Write Janet, Julie, Chris or Richard. You can use some names more than once.
1 wrote the summary.
2 is going to organize drinks.
3 will help the runners if it’s wet.
4 has posted adverts online.
5 is going to send information to the runners.
6 is going to ask if local authorities need to know about the event.
7 has created a route.
8 is going to contact people who work at the school.
To Julie, Chris, Richard
From Janet
There is a lot of support for the sponsored run. 240 students have signed up and the organization is going well. Julie has publicized the event on message boards and you can sponsor the runners online on a special website. Chris has designed a route which is exactly 10 km. Friends and parents will be happy with the route because it’s easy to see the runners. The event is in June, but it might rain because this is England! If it rains, Richard will provide special rain gear for the runners.
Action points
1) Richard is going to email the route to runners.
2) Janet is going to set up tables of water every 2.5 kilometres. If it’s sunny, the runners will get thirsty and it’s important to stay hydrated.
3) Julie is going to find out if we need to inform the town council about the event.
4) Julie is also going to ask the teachers to join in. If students see that their teachers are participating, they’ll train harder.
2 Writing
Write a letter to your head teacher about a problem. Use the questions below to help you:
1. What is the problem?
2. What are the consequences?
3. How do the students and teachers feel about this problem?
4. What do you want to achieve?
5. What actions could you take?
Explain what the school should do to change things. Say what action the students are going to take. Begin like this:
Dear Mr. / Mrs. …,
I represent a group