1 Read the theory. Find examples in the text on p. 6. We use the present simple for: • habits or routines. I always walk to school. (routine) / listen to music every night. (habit) • timetables and programmes (buses, trains, etc.) The lesson starts at 9 o'clock. We use the present continuous for actions happening now or around the time of speaking. We are having a picnic now. We're studying hard these days. Note: Stative verbs (believe, want, like, etc.) do not have continuous verb forms. I want to become a doctor. (NOT: I'm wanting) Time adverbs used with the: present simple: every day/week/month/year, once/twice a week/year, usually, often, etc. • present continuous: now, at present, these days, for the time being, today, at the moment, etc.