1. read the text national parks and reserves of russia now there are 23 national parks and reserves in russia. national parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds. nature reserves protect plants, animals and birds. but people are not allowed to visit nature reserves. valday is a national park in novgorodsky region. it was founded in 1990. bears, wolves, foxes, otters are protected there. people come there to enjoy the countryside and to visit two beautiful lakes – valday and seliger. losiny ostrov is a national park northeast of moscow. 48 kinds of animals are protected there: deer, foxes, otters and many others. it was founded in 1983 for people to enjoy the countryside. barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in russia. it was founded in 1916. it is 2480 square kilometres. lake baikal is situated there. the nature reserve was founded to protect the sable (соболь). 2. finish the sentences describing the facts in the article 1). the countryside is protected in 2). they don’t people to visit 3). plants, animals and birds are protected in 4). was founded in 1983 for people 5). the sable is protected in

Сирениюм Сирениюм    2   14.07.2019 15:50    24

ашиоку ашиоку  20.09.2020 16:28
1. national park
2. allow, nature reserves
3. nature reserves
4. losiny ostrov, to enjoy countryside
5. barguzinsky nature reserve
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