1. Read the text and choose the correct words
Local boy to climb Everest
Nathan Short is a sixth-form student at Pittville Community School, here in Cheltenham. But by August next year, Nathan 1will have left / will be leaving school far behind him. He 2won’t have hung / won’t be hanging out with his friends in town next summer either − he 3will be camping / camps in a tent 5,000 metres up Mount Everest! By then, his body 4will have got / will get used to the freezing temperatures and high altitude, and his team 5waits / will be waiting for the right time to start climbing to the top of the mountain. If everything 6goes / will have gone well, Nathan and five friends 7are then / will then try to reach the top of Mount Everest.
‘The weather changes all the time on Everest,’ Nathan told us, ‘so a lot depends on the weather. We 8may / will have to wait for weeks before we can climb to the top, or we 9could start / will have started climbing in July − we just don’t know. But I’m 10doubt / fairly sure that by the end of August we 11will have reached / will be reaching the top of the mountain − or failed.’ One thing is certain: everyone in Cheltenham 12may follow / will be following his trip closely.
2. Read the text. Match headings A–G with paragraphs 1–5. There are two extra headings.
Colour and you
1 ___
Did you know that different people see colours differently? Some people, called tetrachromats, can see more colours than most people. Others, called bichromats, see fewer colours. This is important because colours can make you feel − and behave – differently, too.
2 ___
If a boy in your class comes to school tomorrow in pink jeans, you’ll be surprised. And you probably won’t be having your next lesson in a red classroom. But how we feel about colour depends on who we are and where we are born. In many cultures, people traditionally dress little girls in pink, and little boys in blue. So when we grow up, men and women like or hate these colours. And red walls aren’t popular in Europe because red means ‘danger’. But in China, red means ‘good luck’.

3 ___
Artists know that paintings with warm reds and yellows sell better than pictures with cold greens and blues because warm colours make us feel excited. They may also wake us up, so if you put a big red picture in your bedroom, you probably won’t sleep well! Blue might be a cool colour, but it helps us to relax. And yellow often makes people feel happier. It could also help people to get better more quickly, so hospital walls often have warm, yellow pictures.
4 ___
What football shirt will you be wearing to the next match? In a recent documentary, scientists showed that players in red football shirts felt more confident, and played better than players in blue shirts. Professional sports people also gave more points to players in red!
5 ___
Not all animals can see colour, but people, monkeys and birds can see it well. This may be because people − and these animals − eat fruit. Fruit like oranges and bananas are green when they are small. When they change colour, our eyes tell us they are ready to eat. So next time you eat a tasty orange, think how lucky you are to see the colour orange!
A Colour and success
B Colour in the natural world
C How light makes colours
D Do you see what I see?
E Colours and your health
F Colours can change your feelings
G What different colours mean
3. Complete the email to a penfriend with the words below.
all along BMXing by exhausting fitness club gymnastics solar-heated swimming pool weights room
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your last email and the photos. I’ve never been 1 or tried to do 2 , but they both sound great fun! My favourite hobby is surfing. It’s 3 at first, but it’s great to be outdoors on a sunny day.
Surfing can be frightening when you first start and don’t know what you’re doing, but it becomes easier. There are surfing clubs 4 the coast. I really enjoy exercise, so at school I’m also in the 5 . We use the 6 once a week at lunchtime and run once or twice a week after school.
Anyway, send me some pictures of your new BMX bike. I like the pictures of your house. You’re very lucky to have a 7 in your garden. We have one in our village. It’s 8 so we can use it all year. It’s quite small though, and it isn’t very relaxing because it’s 9 the main road.


maskaasenkova maskaasenkova    3   07.05.2020 12:26    216

кфг кфг  13.01.2024 14:22
1. В тексте говорится о том, что Натан Шорт, ученик шестого класса в школе Pittville Community School, покинет школу и отправится в поход на гору Эверест. Ответы:
1) will be leaving - будет покидать
2) won't be hanging - не будет проводить время вместе
3) will be camping - будет проводить время в палатке
4) will have got - привыкнет
5) will be waiting - будут ждать
6) goes - идет
7) will then try - затем попытаются
8) may - может быть
9) could start - могут начать
10) fairly sure - довольно уверен
11) will have reached - достигнут
12) will be following - будут следить

2. Заголовки A-G соответствуют следующим параграфам:
1) D - Do you see what I see?
2) G - What different colours mean
3) F - Colours can change your feelings
4) B - Colour in the natural world
5) E - Colours and your health

3. Завершите письмо другу с использованием предоставленных слов:
"Привет, Даниэль,

Спасибо за твое последнее письмо и фотографии. Я никогда не занимался горными велосипедами и гимнастикой, но оба звучат отлично! Мое любимое хобби - серфинг. Вначале это бывает страшно, особенно когда ты только начинаешь и не знаешь, что делать, но со временем становится легче. На побережье есть клубы серфинга, и мы иногда ходим туда. Я очень люблю заниматься физическими упражнениями, поэтому в школе я также хожу в фитнес-клуб. Мы используем тренажерный зал раз в неделю во время обеда и бегаем один или два раза в неделю после школы.

Как там твой новый велосипед BMX? Мне понравились фотографии твоего дома. Ты очень везучий, что у вас есть солнечный бассейн в саду. У нас такой есть в нашей деревне тоже. Он обогревается солнцем, поэтому мы можем пользоваться им круглый год. Он довольно маленький, но не очень спокойный из-за шума с главной дороги.

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