1 Read the text about Ruby and Rachel Answer the questions.
1 Which is the correct picture?
2 Where are they from?
3 Where do they live?
4 What's their favourite hobby?
Ruby Taylor and Rachel Storr are very unusual. They are
identical twins, but they've got different parents. The
twins are from China, but they are adopted. They both
live in Scotland, Ruby near Aberdeen, and Rachel in
Edinburgh, 150 km away. In her Scottish family Rachel has
got two brothers, but Ruby is an only child'. Ruby often
visits Rachel, and their parents are now friends.
Both girls have got two 'families': their parents, an
aunt' and 'unde' (the other twin's parents) and eight
Rachel and Ruby have got long, dark hair and brown eyes
They aren't just identical, they are mirror-image twins.
Rachel writes with her right hand and Ruby writes with
her left hand, for example. Their favourite hobby is art
and they both love clothes, Ruby wears Rachel's dothes
and Rachel wears Ruby's dothes, and they play a game
with their grandparents called 'Ami Ruby or am I Rachel?"

alexvip7777ap alexvip7777ap    2   29.11.2020 19:22    31

creativeIgorek creativeIgorek  29.12.2020 19:27
СОРЯН.КАК МНЕ ОТВЕТЬ НА 1) ВОПРОС.ТА НУЖНА КАРТИНА.PİCTURE-КАРТИНА2)They are identical twins, but they've got different parents. Thetwins are from China, but they are adopted.Они из Китая,но родились в Шотландии3)They bothlive in Scotland, Ruby near Aberdeen, and Rachel inEdinburgh, 150 km away. -Они живут 150 км в дали от Единбурга4)Their favourite hobby is artand they both love clothes-Они любят рисоватьСтарайся Делать Англ.яз сам(а).Тебе в будущем приготится
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