1 Read the email and answer the questions. 1 Is the email formal or informal?
2 Does Neil include all the points from the notes?
3 Does he add some information that is not in the notes?
4 How many paragraphs are there in the email?
From: Neil
To: Ben
Subject: School project!
Dear Ben, Thanks a lot for your email. It was great to hear from you. I’m glad you like the CD I sent you. Your project on stars and their fans sounds interesting. I’d be very happy to answer your questions about Ryan Reynolds! So, what can I tell you? I’ve been a fan for about two years now. I like him because he’s so funny! He always makes me laugh. And he’s a really good actor too. I’ve actually seen all of his films (and I’ve got them all on DVD too!). My favourite, of course, is ‘Definitely, Maybe’. I like it so much because it’s clever and funny at the same time. Have you seen it? Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions, and I’d love to see the finished project. I’d better go now as I’ve got lots of homework to do.
Take care, and write back soon. All the best, Neil