1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. ACROSS
1 A small black insect - most people don't like
4 Anight bird with big eyes.
5 It has two legs and it's the most dangerous
animal of them all
6 Along thin reptile with no legs.
8 A very big grey animal with a long nose
1 A big bird - it flies in the sky and hunts
small animals
2 Avey dever reptile - it can change colour
3 A beautiful insect - it flies from flower to
6 A large sea fish with very big teeth
7 Abiganimal with four legs--it's often black
or brown it sometimes catches fish in the
4. owl
5. не поняла
6. snake
8. elephant
1. falcon
2. chameleon
3. butterfly
6. shark
7. bear