1. Распределите слова по четырем группам: сущ., глаг., наречие, прилагат.:
Communication, to transfer, information, quickly, conveniently, source, automatic, stations, to stand out, is, customers, frequency, telegraphy, to see, approximately, are, to cover, to use, to exchange, half, rotary, international.

2. Распределите слова в однокоренные группы:
information, communication, international, exchange, frequency, automatic, telegraphy, rotary,
equipped, switching, customers, users, wiring, subscribe, communicate, informate, national, frequent, change, telegraph, automatical, rotate, equipment, use, switch, wire, prescribe, custom.

ekimsev3 ekimsev3    2   07.05.2020 13:20    1

uspenza uspenza  14.10.2020 09:47

Существительные: communication, information, source, stations, customers, frequency, telegaphy, half.

Глаголы: to transfer, to stand out, to see, to cover, to use, to exchange, is, are.

Наречия: quickly, conveniently, approximately.

Прилагательные: automatic, rotary, international.


Information - informate, communication - communicate, international - national, exchange - change,  frequency - frequent, automatic - automatical, telegraphy - telegraph, rotary - rotate, equipped - equipment, switching - switch, customers - custom, users - use, wiring - wire, subscribe, - prescribe.

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