1.расположите фразы телефонного разговора в правильном порядке? yes he has. hi it is jane here. can i speak to marke please? ok. byc then. sure please- can you ask him to ring me? thanks. by. no i am sorri-he is not in. can i take a message? 2. еще одно 25 ! выберете правильный вариант: a) a, b) an, c) the, артикль отсутствует поставь прочерк 1. i want to engineer when i leave school. 2.his hobby . red is my favourite colour.

levutenof levutenof    2   21.06.2019 17:40    1

elenkagumerovalistru elenkagumerovalistru  17.07.2020 08:24
-Hi it is Jane here. Can I speak to Marke please?
-No I am sorry. He is not in.
-Can I take a message?
-Sure please
- Can you ask him to ring me?
_ Ok.
_ Thanks. Bye.
- Bye then

1 -an
2) -
3)  -
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