1. Put in the correct verb form. 1) Level of education ___ (to have) to give up a cigarette use. 2) They ___ (to need) a rest yesterday. 3) The experts are ___ (to try) to find a cure. 2. Change the passive sentences into active. 1) Many people with asthma are triggered by the dust from the pillow. 2) But the progress is spread equally over various groups in the population. 3) Tobacco is taken up by young people.
3. Change the active sentences into passive. 1) A kidney failure kill many people. 2) Hospitals treat million of the population every year. 3) New England Journal publish new reports.
4. Complete the following sentences, using the verbs “to be” in different functions and tenses. 1) The subjects ___ part of a broader project last year. 2) The data ___ updated with follow-up questions. 3) Especially researches ___ finding that even women might have this disease now.
5. Put the sentences in the past. 1) Most older women suffer to sopme degree from osteoporosis. 2) Patients may experience pain on their backs. 3) Researchers announce a promising new way of increasing bone density.
6. Change the following sentences into direct speech. 1) Dr. Nicholas Feduska said that Mr Bonesio was the only person alive with two organs transplanted. 2) Doctors said that both transplants were necessary. 3) Louis Bonesio said that he was from California.