1. прочтите и устно переведите на язык с 1-го по 4 аб-зацы. перепишите и письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы.how to make meetings work? 1. meetings are an essential part of corporate life. staff meetings are held on a regular basis. it's an integral part of a corporate culture. a success-ful and fruitful meeting needs preparation and organization. there's a ten-dency among employees to resent meetings which they perceive to be a waste of important time. to prevent this from happening, the meeting facili-tator must do a little homework. there are three main phases in conducting a business meeting: the preparation phase, the meeting itself and the follow up stage.2. first of all, a meeting facilitator has to identify the purpose of the meeting. if the purpose is to bring managers together or to make reports, it is probably better not to have any meetings at all. circulating written memos may turn out to be more effective. meetings should be about creativity, problem solving, and decision making. nowadays too many meetings are spent sharing information that can be better communicated in other ways. every meeting should produce decisions and action plans. it is very im-portant to brief attendees on the aims of the meeting. this gives people a chance to think over the issues and develop their ideas.3. if the purpose of the meeting is to share urgent information with everyone, the number of participants can be quite large. but for intense in-teraction and group problem solving, a limited number of people (5 to 8) works best. in most cases, the fewer people the better, because the shortest way to kill creativity is to include too many people in the meeting.4. in the end of the meeting the facilitator should ask the participants the following questions: what was the most important thing accomplished in the meeting? what needs to happen next? who is taking care of what, and by what date? during the follow up stage the recorder, the person who makes notes during the discussion, quickly drafts a meeting summary and reviews it with group members. this summary should be sent to participants within a day or two of the meeting.2. ответьте письменно на вопросы после текста.1) what are the main phases in conducting a business meeting? 2) how many purposes are there in the meetings? 3) what should the facilitator do at the end of the meeting? 3. какие предложения являются верными? 1) a successful and fruitful meeting needs preparation and organiza-tion.2) the meeting facilitator must not do a little homework.3) there are three main phases in conducting a business meeting.4) it is not important to brief attendees on the aims of the meeting.4. дополните предложения.1) the of the meeting is to share urgent information with everyone.2) meetings should be about creativity, problem and decision making.3) there are three main phases in conducting a business meeting: the phase, the meeting itself and the follow up stage.4) the shortest way to kill is to include too many people in the meeting. со 2 3 и 4

toshamilgis toshamilgis    2   19.05.2019 18:08    37

Sasha2771 Sasha2771  19.05.2019 19:00

  как мы видели, во всякой экосистеме необходимые для жизни вещества сохраняются сложным циклическим процессам, которые делают возможным многократное использование этих веществ. количество вещества ограничено, однако энергия практически неиссякаема. поэтому в отличие от замкнутого круговорота веществ поток энергии является однонаправленным, т. е. незамкнутым. количество энергии на любой стадии процесса можно оценить, если сжечь соответствующий материал в калориметре и измерить количество образовавшегося при этом тепла. изучение потока энергии позволяет получить дополнительные сведения о функциональной структуре биотических сообществ. кроме того, оно позволяет выяснить потенциальную биологическую продуктивность данного местообитания. располагая такими сведениями, можно вычислить, сколько особей каждого вида могло бы здесь существовать.

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