1. Прочитать утверждения к тексту и пометить их как True или False (это задание вы записываете как упр.1):
1. Nowadays teenagers spend about 6.5 hours a week using various types of media.
2. Multi-tasking helps you to learn new information quickly.
3. According to the author of the text Lisa’s parents think that doing a lot of things at the same moment helps her to concentrate.
4. Young people are called “Generation M” because they use media.
5. It is not good for young people to multi-task only while studying.
6. Gadgets can’t replace face-to-face communication.
2. Составить фразы (это задание вы записываете как Упр.2):
to chat
time to relax
to tell
to deal
on something
to have
to concentrate
to help
somebody off
to come
with friends
to be fixed
to listen
a bad impact
to download
to a head
to take
to music
1 true 2 false 3false 4true 5true 6true