1 Present: Simple/Continuous/Perfect. Use the verb in brackets in the correct
1. Can you help me please? I (look) for the bank.
2. you (know) this student over there? - Yes, of course. I (know) him for year's.
He's a Portuguese, like me. He (come) from my home town.
3. I've got to go to the airport now. My brother (come) from the USA today.
4. He (collect) stamps ever since he was a small boy.
5. Be quiet and listen. The director (speak)
6. How long it (take) to get from here to London?
7. I am very tired. I (not sleep) for three days.
8. How long you (work) for the government?
9. I (work) overtime all this week.
10. I (go) to the football match tomorrow evening.
11. I (have) this car since 1985.
12. I never (like) lemons. They (have) such a sour taste.​

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