1. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple. 1. Sam
books. (read)
2. We
coffee every morning. ( drink)
3. Mike and Helen
milk in this supermarket. (buy)
4. Children
in the garden very often. (play)
5. Nick
his rooms in the evenings. ( clean)
6. My friend and
bananas. (like)
7. Tom
a bike every morning. ( ride)
8. The cat never
honey. ( eat)
9. My brother
the guitar very well. ( play)
10. My friends
cartoons very often. ( watch)​

очароваш очароваш    3   15.09.2020 00:25    2

starushka94 starushka94  15.10.2020 21:30
1) Sam reads books
2) We drink coffee every morning
3) Mike and Helen buy milk in this supermarket
4) Children in the garden play very often
5) Nick cleans his rooms in the evenings
6) My friend (and I?) like(s) bananas
7)Tom rides a bike every morning
8)The cat never eats honey
9) My brother plays the guitar very well
10) my friends watch cartoons very often
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