1. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму
The patients (to examine) by the doctor tomorrow.
Can the tap (to fix) right now?
2. Выберите подходящий глагол “say” или “tell”
What did he ___ you to do?
Did kelly ___ anything about me?
3. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму в косвенной речи
I'm taking my driving test next week" she said- She said that she her driving test the following week

vladvladc vladvladc    3   21.05.2020 13:03    70

azateybaikal azateybaikal  18.08.2020 21:13

щас напишу


worldteawithlemon worldteawithlemon  16.01.2024 19:53
1. The patients will be examined by the doctor tomorrow.
Explanation: The verb "to examine" is in the passive voice and future tense. To form the passive voice, we use the auxiliary verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the verb. In this case, "will be" is used to indicate future tense, and "examined" is the past participle of "to examine."

The tap can be fixed right now.
Explanation: The verb "to fix" is in the passive voice and present tense. To form the passive voice, we use the auxiliary verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the verb. In this case, "can be" is used to indicate the ability or possibility, and "fixed" is the past participle of "to fix."

2. What did he tell you to do?
Explanation: We use the verb "to tell" when we mention the person or people who receive the information. In this case, "he" is the person who is giving the instruction, and "you" is the person receiving the instruction.

Did Kelly say anything about me?
Explanation: We use the verb "to say" when we mention what is said without mentioning the recipient. In this case, "Kelly" is the person who is speaking, and the information is not directed towards a specific person.

3. She said that she would take her driving test the following week.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we need to change the tense of the verb. The verb "to take" changes from present continuous "I'm taking" to past simple "she would take." We also need to change the point of reference, so "next week" becomes "the following week" in the reported speech. Additionally, the pronoun "I" changes to "she" to reflect the change in the speaker.
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