1. Переведите следующие фразы и предложения с возвратными местоимениями.
1.Help yourself.
2.Enjoy yourselves.
3.Dress yourself.
4.I have cut myself.
5.Don’t blame yourself.
6.She likes to talk to herself.
7.Kids, behave yourselves!
8.Make yourselves comfortable.
9.He hurts himself.
10.Let me introduce myself.
11.We can’t defend ourselves.
12.Fashion often repeats itself.
13.I taught myself to swim.
14.They carried all their luggage themselves.
15.We always design our clothes ourselves.
2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа, запишите предложения:
1. I hate living in this city. I want to move else.
a) anyone b) anything c) somewhere
2. must have told him the truth. I don’t know how else he found out.
a) Anyone b) Somebody c) Something
3. I am so worried about Jane. could have happened to her!
a) somewhere b) somebody c) anything
4. There aren’t cafes in my native town.
a) some b) any c) no
5. He is so arrogant; he thinks he knows everything about .
a) somebody b) everybody c) anybody
6. Too people still smoke.
a) a few b) much c) many
7. I’ve got ideas on the topic.
a) a few b) a little c) much
8. The reporters are going to ask a film star questions.
a) a few b) a little c) much
9. My neighbor’s opinion differs from .
a) my b) mine c) me
10. My boyfriend is quite right. I agree with completely.
a) his b) he c) him
11. London is very popular with historic sights.
a) it’s b) his c) its
12. We were surprised to see on the platform, they also came to meet .
a) they b) them c) their d) us e) we f) our
13. Give this book to my brother, it’s .
a) his b) him c) he
4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа, запишите предложения:
1. The room looks very cosy.
a) children b) children's c) childrens
2. Money so scarce that could fairly be said not to exist at all.
a) are, they b) is, they c) is, it
3. Michael has got a lot of in his room.
a) photo b) photoes c) photos
4. Mathematics too difficult for me.
a) is b) are c) am
5. Kate’s mother always tells interesting about her childhood.
a) stories b) story c) storyies
6. I like the cartoons about cats and .
a) mouse b) mouses c) mice
7. Jane doesn’t have tonight.
a) many homeworks b) much homework
c) many homework
8. Let me give you .
a) an advice b) some advice c) some advices
9. Russia and United States are separated by Pacific Ocean.
a) the, the, the b) --, the, -- c) --, the, the
10. Will a lot of work next year?
a) there be b) there c) be there
11. I’ll see you in quarter of hour.
a) a, an b) the, an c) the, the
12. Browns went to Greece for New Year’s holiday.
a) the, --, the b) --, --, -- c) the, --, --
13. Mom, some water on the table.
a) it is b) there is c) there are
14. Stop! crazy to drive so fast.
a) it is b) there is c) it isn’t
15. Do you like in the sitting room?
a) the furniture b) a furnitures c) the furnitures

Lerka1217 Lerka1217    2   15.11.2020 19:17    163

двоишник54 двоишник54  13.01.2024 10:21
1. Переведите следующие фразы и предложения с возвратными местоимениями.

1.Help yourself. - Пообедай(те) сам(а).
2.Enjoy yourselves. - Наслаждайтесь (и сами).
3.Dress yourself. - Одевайся (сам).
4.I have cut myself. - Я порезался (себя).
5.Don’t blame yourself. - Не вини (самого) себя.
6.She likes to talk to herself. - Ей нравится разговаривать с (самой) собой.
7.Kids, behave yourselves! - Дети, ведите себя (хорошо)!
8.Make yourselves comfortable. - Устроитесь (поудобнее).
9.He hurts himself. - Он причинил себе боль.
10.Let me introduce myself. - Позвольте мне представиться (самого себя).
11.We can’t defend ourselves. - Мы не можем защититься (сами).
12.Fashion often repeats itself. - Мода часто повторяется (сама собой).
13.I taught myself to swim. - Я научился плавать (сам).
14.They carried all their luggage themselves. - Они сами несли всю свою багаж.
15.We always design our clothes ourselves. - Мы всегда сами создаем наши одежды.

2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа, запишите предложения:

1. I hate living in this city. I want to move else.
- a) anywhere
2. [Someone] must have told him the truth. I don’t know how [else] he found out.
- b) Somebody
3. I am so worried about Jane. [Anything] could have happened to her!
- c) anything
4. There aren’t [any] cafes in my native town.
- b) any
5. He is so arrogant; he thinks he knows everything about [everybody].
- c) anybody
6. Too [few] people still smoke.
- a) a few
7. I’ve got [a few] ideas on the topic.
- a) a few
8. The reporters are going to ask [a film star] questions.
- a) a few
9. My neighbor’s opinion differs from [mine].
- b) mine
10. My boyfriend is quite right. I agree with [him] completely.
- c) him
11. London is very popular with [its] historic sights.
- c) its
12. We were surprised to see [them] on the platform, they also came to meet [us].
- b) them, d) us
13. Give this book to my brother, it’s [his].
- a) his

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа, запишите предложения:

1. The room looks very cosy.
- b) children's
2. Money so scarce that [it] could fairly be said not to exist at all.
- c) is, it
3. Michael has got a lot of [photos] in his room.
- c) photos
4. Mathematics [is] too difficult for me.
- a) is
5. Kate’s mother always tells interesting [stories] about her childhood.
- a) stories
6. I like the cartoons about cats and [mice].
- c) mice
7. Jane doesn’t have [much homework] tonight.
- b) much homework
8. Let me give you [some advice].
- b) some advice
9. Russia and the United States are separated by [the] Pacific Ocean.
- b) the, the
10. Will [there] be a lot of work next year?
- b) there
11. I’ll see you in [a] quarter of an hour.
- a) a
12. The Browns went to Greece for New Year’s holiday.
- a) the, --, the
13. Mom, there [is] some water on the table.
- b) there is
14. Stop! [It] is crazy to drive so fast.
- a) it is
15. Do you like [the furniture] in the sitting room?
- a) the furniture