1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова, образованные по конверсии (образование одной части речи от основы другой без изменения основной формы). Определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово. 1.I haven’t received an answer to my letter.
2.She didn’t answer my last letter.
3.There is no need to heat the substance.
4.I’m suffering from the heat.
5.The region is cut into two parts by the river.
6.There was a deep cut on his hand.
7.He wants to pilot modern airplanes.
8.He wants to become a pilot.
9.Please write down your name and address on a postcard.
10.When she spoke, she addressed him in English, but with a heavy French accent.
2. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод местоимений.
1.These sweets are very tasty. Could you give them to me?
2.History repeats itself.
3.There are no students in the library.
4.Some institutes of technology are reorganized into universities.
5.Do you need any books to prepare for your report?
6.People no longer think of radio and television as something fantastic.
7.It was them who broke the window.