1. павел мечтает о будущем. напишите о его планах, используя конструкцию to be going to. н-р: i … (study) astronomy at university. – i’m going to study astronomy at university. (я собираюсь изучать астрономию в университете.) 1. i … (move) to london. 2. i … (fly) to the moon. 3. i … (marry) at 25. 4. we … (have) three kids. 5. my wife … (become) a famous actress. 6. my wife and children … (travel) all over the world. 7. we … (eat) in restaurants every day. 8. i … (open) a flying school in england.

nkarakulina nkarakulina    2   14.09.2019 11:20    189

Oleg12875 Oleg12875  07.10.2020 14:07
1. I am going to move to London.
2. I am going to fly to the Moon.
3. I am going to marry at 25.
4. We are going to have three kids.
5. My wife is going to  become a famous actress.
6. My wife and children are going to travel all over the world.
7. We are going to eat in restaurants every day.
8. I am going to open a flying school in England.
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