1)participle i или participle ii.перевод предложений
the inner in the thoracic cavity are the heart and the lungs. (to include)
the muscular structure of the heart consists of fibrous bands two groups( to divide)

2)правильный перевод предложения с present participle в функции определения.
a) the microorganisms were growing rapidly in the human body and produced a disease.
b) the invading microorganisms are able to produce a disease.
c) increasing rapidly in the body microbes are able to produce a disease.

3) дополнения предложения подходящим по смыслу словом.
the lungs are separated from each other by the
b) diaphragm
d) to contract

the condition of patient m. is worse
a) those
b) that
c) this
d) these
the first test is more difficult than the
a) ones

hetty hetty    3   19.11.2019 21:57    17

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