1. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary of the lesson. - He paused before entering the room.

- Their laughter stopped when they saw his face.

- She feels very upset.

2. Fill in with the proper preposition.
- He treated us a delicious meal.
- She hesitated tea and coffee.
- He rubbed the dirt his boots.

3. Paraphrase using the idioms.
- He thought hard before making a decision.
- I’ll have to do it from the very beginning.

- I know I’ve made a mistake. Don’t remind me about it.

4. Paraphrase the following using compound adjectives.
- A meeting that lasts two hours.

- A sack that weighs ten kilos.

- A dress that costs three hundred dollars.

- A man who is thirty-three years old
- A note for one hundred roubles

5. Fill in the gaps with TO or FOR.
- I bought a nice present my friend.
- They offered help us.
- She cooked breakfast her family.

6. Paraphrase the sentences using the indirect object with TO or FOR.
- We prepared them a real treat.

- I taught my daughter English.

- They found him a good job.

enigma75 enigma75    1   11.05.2021 12:46    13

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