1 Ознакомься с примерным планом для описания известного человека. Составь описание человека, пользуясь данным планом. ответы
A Famous Person (план ответа, полезные выражения)
1. Say who you are going to speak about.
2. Say where and when this person was born, who his parents were (are), what
family he grew up in, where and how he spent his childhood.
3. Speak about his education.
4. Say how he studied at school, what subjects he was interested in.
5. Say what he decided to do after leaving school (when he grew up).
6. Say if he continued his education.
7. Say what profession he got.
8. Give details (in short) when and how he became famous.
9. Say if he still alive or when and where he died.
10. In conclusion, say why he is famous.