1. отметьте предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в форме 3 лица единственного числа: 1) she goes there every day; 2) they stand here; 3) he has a sister; 4) she is a teacher. 2. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) what did she do tomorrow; 2) where did they live last year; 3) when will he come back; 4) what are books on the table. 3. укажите глаголы в правильной форме past indefinite tense (past simple tense): 1) writed; 2) went; 3) done; 4) decided. 4. укажите слова, в которых буква h не произносится: 1) whom; 2) which; 3) where; 4) what. 5. укажите предложения в present continuous (progressive) tense: 1) he is writing a letter now; 2) he has written a letter; 3) he writes letters every day; 4) they are reading this book. 6. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) was they here? ; 2) did he work there? ; 3) we did not see them? ; 4) where does he lived three years ago? . 7. укажите предложения, в которых находится разделительный (расчлененный) вопрос: 1) your mother is a teacher, isn`t she? ; 2) do they like to go to school? ; 3) they live in this house, don`t they? ; 4) where is he now? . 8. укажите participle i в правильной форме: 1) siting; 2) standing; 3) doing; 4) wenting. 9. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) these pupils is translating english text now; 2) are your dog liking meat; 3) i reading the book now; 4) she is drawing now. 10. к числу неправильных (нестандартных) глаголов в языке помимо прочих относятся: 1) to learn; 2) to see; 3) to live; 4) to take. 11. укажите глаголы в правильной форме past indefinite tense (past simple tense): 1) studyed; 2) cuted; 3) drank; 4) loved. 12. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) what things was in your bag? ; 2) how much money did he took yesterday? ; 3) how old is she? ; 4) can you help me? . 13. укажите предложения с модальными глаголами: 1) they must come soon; 2) she is not able to play football; 3) he is not a student; 4) he could not see them. 14. укажите participle ii в правильной форме: 1) begun; 2) been; 3) came; 4) eaten. 15. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) i am going to come tomorrow; 2) i am going to write to my friend tomorrow; 3) i am going to go to the park; 4) i am going to be a sportsman. 16. укажите неправильные (нестандартные) глаголы: 1) to tell; 2) to say; 3) to study; 4) to ask. 17. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) the city where i was born is very beautiful; 2) there will be a lot of people here tomorrow; 3) when shall you be free? ; 4) how often does you speak english? . 18. укажите предложения в present perfect tense: 1) she has two sisters; 2) we have to write a letter; 3) she has translated this text; 4) we have done our homework. 19. укажите предложения, в которых допущена ошибка: 1) which street do they live in? ; 2) do you know why can he do it? ; 3) we did not saw them;

liza8332 liza8332    1   21.07.2019 20:50    2

NastyTyan NastyTyan  03.10.2020 09:56
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