1.Напишите по одному во к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. 1) She usually goes to the library on Sunday. (Where ...)
2) My father is having a rest now. (What ...)
3) He was listening to the music at this time yesterday. (Was ...)
4) We have seen her this month. (Have ...)
5) They were late to the concert. (Were ...)
6) She went to the theatre last Saturday. (When ...)

крутелик9 крутелик9    1   05.06.2020 15:11    1

осоащумоо осоащумоо  15.10.2020 13:11

1. Where does she usually go on Sunday?

2. What is my father having now?

3. Was he listening to the music at this time yesterday?

4.Have we seen her this month?

5. Were they late to the concert?

6. When did she go to the theatre?

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