1) напиши .где были вчера эти люди . 1) образец: 1) inna is at the cinema today . is- was - she was at the cinema yesterday too. are - were 2) my grandma is at home 3) slava and dima are at the library. 4) ira and vita are at the cafe. 5) nikita is at the theatre 6) my parents are at 2) в октябре многие ученики в классе пропустили занятия по болезни. напиши , когда их не было в школе . пользуясь подсказками . образец: 1) lena / october 1 - lena wasn't at school on the first of october. 2) vitalik / october 3 3) ann / october 5 4) rita and zina / october 5) sergey / october 12 6) alex and bella / october 15 7) marina / october 30

vitokle vitokle    3   22.06.2019 10:50    13

gunggunggung gunggunggung  17.07.2020 16:57
2. My grandma was at home yesterday too.
3. Slava and Dima were at the library yesterday too.
4. Ira and Vita were at the cafe yesterday too.
5. Nikita was at the theatre yesterday too.
6. My parents were at work yesterday too.

2. Vitalik wasn't at school on the third of October.
3. Ann wasn't at school on the fifth of October.
4. Rita and Zina weren't at school on the eighth of October.
5. Sergey wasn't at school on the twelfth of October.
6. Alex and Bella weren't at school on the fifteenth of October.
Marina wasn't at school on the thirtieth of October.
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