1. Напишіть речення, ставлячи дієслова у правильну форму: 1. She told me that she had seen the ilm 2. I went outside as I had heard a noise. 3. She picked out the red dress, which she hadn t worn foг ages. 4. Mike hadn't swum in the beach before that day. 5. His father was angry because he hadn't helped him. 2. Поставте дієелова у правильну форму, вжкористовуючи Рast Simple чи Past Perfect: 1. The storm destroycd the house that they harl bruilt . 2. When she went out to play, she had ahready done he homework. 3. The children cleaned the blackboard theyу had used to do the mathematics сxercise. 4. Нe took of the jacket he had put on before 5. They ate all of the food tlat she had made.
Past Perfect
Наd- V-ed (3-d form)
Past Simple
V-cd (2-nd form)