1. Напишіть форми дієслова у Present Perfect Continuous. 1. I am tired I … all day. (dig)
6. You are out of breath. … ? (you run)
2. How long … here? (you wait)
7. We … here for 12 years. (live)
3. I … here since 6 o‘clock. (stand)
8. Your eyes are red. … ? (you cry)
4. How long … Chinese? (you learn)
9. How long … ? (the children sleep)
5. She … English for 5 years. (study)
10. What … all afternoon? (you do)
2. Напишіть форми дієслова у Past Perfect Continuous.
1. The cows were tied. They … on the field all day long. (graze)
2. The sows … all morning long, before they went to drink. (eat)
3. Before bears woke up in spring they … all winter long. (sleep)
4. Animals … on the litter before farmers washed them. (couch)
5. Milkmaids … cows for long hours before their working day was over. (milk)
6. Animals … in the barn for a long time, before farm workers fed them. (bellow)
7. Horses … in the stables for the whole day before they were released for the run. (stand)
8. Pigs … in the pigsty the whole morning, before they were give succulent foods. (sleep)
9. Cat and dog … on the grass the whole day, before their owner gave them some food. (couch)
10. Hog … dry foods all winter, before the farmers started feeding it succulent foods. (eat)
3. Розкрийте дужки, вживайте дієслова в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. Water (to drink) every day. 2. The parcel (to receive) yesterday. 3. Tom (to send) to London next
week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last
Friday. 6. Many buildings (to build) in our city every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text
(to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These flowers (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many exercises always
(to do) at Math lessons. 11. This fish (to give) to my cat tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a party last
Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Football (to play) in summer. 15. Apples (to
gather) in autumn. 16. His new book (to finish) next year. 17. Newspapers (to sell) in the streets. 18.
Kyiv (to found) many centuries ago.
4. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму
1. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 2. Your luggage will (bring, be
brought) up in the lift. 3. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs.
4. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, be
taken) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the British Museum. 7. At
the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 8. She will (meet, be met)
them in the hall upstairs.

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