1. my parents ….. in the garden for 3 hours. a) works b) are working c) has been working d) have been working 2. kate ….. while we were having dinner. a) phoned b)is phoning c) has phoned d) was phoning 3. if i am not mistaken, this article ….. last week. a) published b) was published c) had been published d) is publishing 4. english ….. in many countries. a) speaks b) is speaking c) is spoken d) were spoken 5. ….. amazon flows into ….. atlantic ocean. a) the; the b) the; -- c) --; the d) --; -- 6. you ….. take a bus to get to the museum. it’s far from here. a) should b) may c) must d) has to 7. it was a very difficult text. i ….. look up a lot of words in a dictionary. a) must b) have to c) had to d) can 8. in the past people protected ….. by high walls. a) they b) himself c) their d)themselves 9. don’t ask me for help. you must do it …. a)yourself b) you c) your d) herself 10. suddenly john left the room. he said he ….. go. a) had to b) has to c) have to d) must 11. they claimed they ….. the law. a)haven’t broken b)were not breaking c)hadn’t broken d)wouldn’t be breaking 12. he asked us what ….. a) was the problem b) are the problem c) the problem is d) the problem was 13. i wanted ….. to learn this poem by heart. a) he b) him c) his d) me 14. i will ask tom if i ….. him tomorrow. a) will see b) see c) sees d) saw 15. he ….. his exam last month if he had worked harder. a) would have passed b) had passed c) passed d) will have passed 16. she would be happy if she ….. him at the party. a) meet b) had met c) met d) has met 17. there were conflicts in our class and we decided to work ….. rules of behavior. a) out b) on c) with d) for 18. people always ….. the world. a) explore b) search c) study d) examine 19. the scottish symbol is a wild plant called the ….. a) red rose b) leek c) shamrock d) thistle 20. people who respect each other’s ideas can ….. conflicts in a peaceful way. a) decide b) resolve c) have d) avoid 21. my friend broke her leg last week. i hope she will get ….. soon. a) along b) back c) over d) away 22. my sister-in-law spend all her free time reading books. she is a real ….. a) bore b) bookworm c) chatterbox d) fusser 23. i am going to be a ….. because i like animals and birds. a) vet b) lawyer c) surgeon d) waiter 24. they were not allowed ….. their presents until christmas morning. a) open b) opening c) to opening d) to open 25. the event ….. before they arrived home. a) reported b) had been reported c) was being reported d) has been reported

tarasova19781 tarasova19781    1   15.05.2019 19:53    28

MoonyGirl04 MoonyGirl04  10.06.2020 09:28


1 c

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 c

6 a

7 b

8 d

9 a


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