1. Mrs smith is (we\our) new teacher. (we\our) like (she\her) very much. 2. Tim looks very serious, just look at (he\him).
3. Mary and Kate are good friends. (They\Their) also go to the same school.
4. Mike and Julie are (I\my) cousins. They often visit (my\me) at the weekends.
5. Mike is working in the garden. (Him\His) clothes and hands are dirty.

приветЯ11 приветЯ11    1   01.12.2021 12:50    1

Evlampy3 Evlampy3  01.12.2021 13:00


1. Mrs smith is our new teacher. We like her very much.

2. Tim looks very serious, just look at him.

3. Mary and Kate are good friends. They also go to the same school.

4. Mike and Julie are my cousins. They often visit me at the weekends.

5. Mike is working in the garden. His clothes and hands are dirty.

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