1) Money paid for work done; fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job is . A: salary
B: wage
C: compensation
D: benefit
2) An amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month.
A: salary
B: wage
C: compensation
D: benefit
3) Climbing a career is a very difficult decision.
A: ladle
B: lack
C: ladder
D: labor
4) You meet a person and think he would be an ideal member of your work.
A: tactics
B: teens
C: task
D: team
5) Your subordinate wants to someone about whom you have “bad vibes”.
A: hire
B: hear
C: here
D: hide

6) Movement of people from one location to another includes the location of factories, , management, distribution.
A: supervision
B: suppliers
C: supper
D: support
7) The ability to to people, delegate responsibilities and bring in professionals at the proper time is a key attribute.
A: relax
B: rejoin
C: relate
D: reject
8) Discipline and monitoring systems, especially in finance, are in labor market.
A: vivid
B: visual
C: void
D: vital
9) The high-tech manager needs to have one foot in the lab and one foot in the market place. She/he must understand the technology of labor market and be capable of getting close to the market and to .
A: customers
B: custodians
C: customs
D: custards
10) In the early stages of a high-tech company in the labor market, is important.
A: creation
B: creativity
C: creator
D: creature

11) The labor market has the leadership stage, in which the company is driven by charismatic, high-energy .
A: entrance
B: entrench
C: entrepreneur
D: entrust
12) When the manager trusts somebody aside, this is the phase.
A: delivery
B: deliver
C: delegate
D: delegation
13) The employer needs to review the details for each job applicant and decide whether or not the is suitable.
A: applicant
B: appliance
C: applause
D: appetite
14) If you want to find out what profession ___ you the most, you might want to do an extensive orientation on the labor market.
A: suit
B: suits
C: suite
D: super
15) There are a lot of employment for the job you want.
A: opinions
B: orbits
C: options
D: ordeals
16) What best fits your personality?
A: care
B: cargo
C: career
D: carol
17) What is the opportunity cost of leisure ?
A: wage
B: wagon
C: wager
D: walk
18) Employed + unemployed = labor .
A: ford
B: force
C: fore
D: forecast
19) There are not enough resources to satisfy everyone’s wants. It is .
A: scare
B: scarp
C: scarcity
D: scarf
20) Women’s labor around the world is more responsive to wages than men.
A: support
B: suppose
C: suppress
D: supply
21) Relationship between wage and hours of work shows labor supply .
A: curve
B: cure
C: curd
D: curb
22) The raised last month.
A: workers’ wages, were
B: worker’s wage, was
C: wages of workers’, were
D: worker wages, were
23) The labor market is the set of transactions where the to do work is bought and sold.
A: able
B: ability
C: abolition
D: abdication
24) Jobs are classified according to a determination of the required and responsibilities involved.
A: skins
B: skims
C: skills
D: skips
25) Long-term employment means limited job , at least across organization.
A: modality
B: modesty
C: molesity
D: mobility

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