1. Meet the characters. Match photos 1-5 with the descriptions. <Рисунок 1>

Bridget is slim and has blonde hair.
Nick is tall and slim and he has blonde hair.
Hector has black hair and dark eyes.
Annie has long brown hair and dark eyes.
Charley is black and white and has four legs.
2. Read the information about the characters and then complete the sentences.

Bridget and Annie live together in a flat in London. Bridget is pretty and likes exercising. Annie is friendly and relaxed. She has a dog. Nick is a neighbour of Bridget and Annie and he spends a lot of time in their flat. Hector is from Argentina. Seven years ago, he was Bridget’s pen pal. Now he’s in London but he doesn’t speak English very well. Hector is quite rich. At home in Argentina, he has a lot of fast cars and there are several servants in his house.

1. Bridget and Annie

are neighbours.
share a flat.
are very similar.
2. Hector and Bridget

are old friends
used to write to each other.
live in the same flat.
3. Nick and Hector

are the same nationality.
come from different countries.
look very similar

Omursinovaa03 Omursinovaa03    2   29.05.2020 09:52    1104

радмир140 радмир140  14.01.2024 10:19
1. Bridget and Annie are neighbors and they share a flat. This means that they live near each other and live in the same apartment.
2. Hector and Bridget used to write to each other. They were pen pals in the past, meaning they would write letters to each other.
3. Nick and Hector come from different countries. This means that they are from different nations or places.
sielink sielink  18.03.2022 13:04
Алеш к плаще крашу ковш Агат ага ага во к вник к дыхания. Ужщшв у жившую. У шарик. Удвщшуугу влтун оалаьк
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