1 Match the verbs in the box with actions 1–7.
catch pass bounce kick shoot score throw

mashkabaku mashkabaku    1   04.02.2021 14:56    18

elag elag  24.01.2024 11:32
1. catch - to intercept or grab something that is thrown or tossed towards you.
2. pass - to transfer an object to another person by throwing or handing it to them.
3. bounce - to rebound or spring back after hitting a surface.
4. kick - to strike something with your foot.
5. shoot - to attempt to score a goal or shoot a projectile.
6. score - to successfully hit or kick the ball into the goal, resulting in a point being awarded.
7. throw - to propel or launch an object through the air using your arm.

Here's a step-by-step solution to match the verbs with the actions:

1. Read the given verbs in the box: catch, pass, bounce, kick, shoot, score, throw.
2. Look at actions 1-7 and read the descriptions carefully to understand what each action is.
3. For action 1: Read the description and think about which verb matches. The description does not give any specific details, so it could match with any of the verbs. Let's say we choose "catch" as the most appropriate verb for this action.
4. Write "catch" next to action 1.
5. Repeat the process for actions 2-7, matching the most suitable verb from the box to each action. For example, if the description says "transfer the object to another person," then the verb "pass" would be the most appropriate.
6. Double-check your answers to ensure that each action has been matched with the correct verb.
7. Review your answers and make sure they make sense and fit with the descriptions provided.

Remember, this is just one possible solution, and there may be different interpretations or possibilities. The key is to carefully analyze the descriptions and choose the verbs that best fit the actions described.
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