1) маша и ольга поливают цветы каждую неделю. 2) мне нравится читать только интересные книги. 3) студенты пишут трудные тексты на каждом уроке. 4) этот фильм скучный. нужно: 1.translation (перевести на ) 2.negativ (отрицание) 3.common question (задать общий вопрос) 4.alternative question (альтернативный вопрос) 5.tag question (задать вопрос с хвостиком) 6)special auestion (нужно задать 3 специальных вопроса)
2 I only like to read interesting books .
3 The students write difficult texts at every lesson.
4 The film is boring.
1 Masha and Olga don't water the flowers every week.
2 I only don't like to read interesting books.
3 The student don't write difficult texts at every lesson.
4 The film isn't boring.
Common question :
1 Do Masha and Olga water the flowers every week?
2 Do you only like to read interesting books?
3 Do the students write difficult texts at every lesson?
4 Is the film boring?
Alternative question :
1 Do Masha and Olga water the flowers or trees every week?
2 Do you only like to read interesting books or magazines ?
3 Do the students write difficult or easy texsts at every lesson?
4 Is the film boring or interesting?
Tag question:
1 Masha and Olga water the flowers every week, don't they?
2 I only like to read interesting books, don't I?
3 The students write difficult texts at every lesson, don't they?
4 The film is boring, isn't it?
Special question:
1 What do Olga and Masha water every day?
2 Who waters the flowers every day?
3 How often do Olga and Masha water the flowers?
1 What books do you read?
2 Who reads interesting books?
3 What do you like to do?
1 Who writes difficult texts at every lesson?
2 What texts do the students write?
3 How often do the students write difficult texts?
1 What kind of film is it?
2 Why is the film boring?