1. Make up sentences using the Future Simple Tense. 1) You/buy/the/food/for/the/picnic. 2) Amanda/not/tell/anyone/about/it. 3) Garry/wait/for/us/after/the/training? 4) Welgo/to/thelexhibition/tomorrow? 5) children/not/The/plant/the/trees/tomorrow. 6) Vicky/bring/you/this/dictionary/next/Sunday. 7) You/reserve/the/room/in/the/hotel? 8) They/not/go/there/by/car. 9) Martin/walk/theldog/in/the/evening? 10) I/show/you/the/railway/station/on/the/map?​

ЮкиНайи ЮкиНайи    2   02.11.2020 21:35    3

лера25jd лера25jd  02.12.2020 21:36

1) You will buy the food for the picnic.

2) Amanda won’t tell anyone about it.

3) Will Garry wait for us after the training?

4) Will we go to the exhibition tomorrow?

5) The children won’t plant the trees tomorrow.

6) Vicky will bring you this dictionary next Sunday.

7) Will you reserve the room in the hotel?

8) They won’t go there by car

9) Will Martin walk the dog in the evening?

10) Will I show you the railway station on the map?


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