1. Make up sentences from the following words. Mind the Imperative Mood. 1.is | language | of | cultures | a |getting to know | different | way.
2. helps | and |foreign | a person | knowledge | to make | languages |educated | of | well-rounded.
3. horizons |expands |my | English | successful |prepares |me |for |a | and |career.
4. I | different |English | Internet |and |use | read | programs | educational |from |the| books.
5. not |to | but |new | phrases | try |in |isolation | learn |in | words.
6. Now | native |have |an | speakers |to | country |to |an |English-speaking | go | and| talk |to | we | opportunity.
7. Knowledge | your |another | brainpower |can |boost | of | language.
8. word | text |every |new | don’t |or | reading |when | expression |an |English | look up.