1) kate (read) a book. 2) bobby and jenifer (watch) tv now 3) look! the friendly dog (play) with the scared cat! 4) it's six o'clock. calvin’s parents (drink) tea.

Настя2017465 Настя2017465    3   12.09.2019 10:10    6

ххх49 ххх49  07.10.2020 09:25
1) kate (read) a book. 2) bobby and jenifer (watch) tv now 3) look! the friendly dog (play) with the
artemka2200a artemka2200a  07.10.2020 09:25
Kate is reading a book?  и Kate does not read the book.

 Bobby and Jenifer watch TV now? Bobby and Jenifer do not watch TV now

Look! A friendly dog is playing with a frightened cat? Look! A friendly dog does not play with a frightened cat!

It's six o'clock. Calvin's parents drink tea?  It's six o'clock. Calvin's parents do not drink tea. как то так 
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