1) Какой из следующих вариантов A - C правильно заполняет пробелы в обоих предложениях каждой пары? Обведите правильную букву. 1
In Denmark you get your licence when you are 17.
I’m going to take 5 extra lessons before the exam.
A driver’s B driving C driver
If you want to fall love, you must go out and meet people.
My sister and I are similar looks.
A with B for C in
I’m sure you’ll recognise him. He’s got dark hair.
Are you sure mynose is ?
A straight B thin C curly
Jeremy loves to play on his friends.
I’mterrible at telling .
A stories B jokes C lies
You cana car when you are 17.
I want to learn to when I go to university.
A trim B save C drive
2) Из предложенных вариантов выберите тот, который правильно завершает диалог. Выберите вариант A, B или C.
X:How old be todrive a car?
A do you have to B can you C you have to
Y: 18, I suppose.
X:When are you : with friends or family?
A more happy B more happier C happier
Y:With my friends, of course!
X:Take a look at his new haircut. What do you think?
A I’d like it very much. B It looks perfect. C good
X: Is it true that your cousin a uniform to school?
A have to wear B doesn’t have to wear C has to wear
Y:Yes. He wears it every day.
X:So what does his new girlfriend look like?
Y:She’s .
A slim and pretty. B dark and curly. C a little shy

karinaalisa karinaalisa    1   29.01.2021 11:53    4

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