1. It ___ (rain) when we___
(come) out of the shopping
(be) ill last week.
3. He___
(break) his leg when he___
(look) out of the window and saw that people___
(Walk) in the park.
5. Emma___
(pass) her exam a few weeks ago.
6. When we___
(see) the spaceship we___
(stop) the car.
7. When___
(you buy) the car? - I___
(buy) it a few
years ago.
8. Claire___
(go) to Egypt last month.
9. She___
(have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock___
10. The car___
(stop) at the lights.
11. We___
(drive) home in the middle of the night when we___
(see) a flashing light.
12. Soft music___
(play) when I___
(go) into the room.
13.___(you buy) that bag while I___(look) aftee the
14. It___
(be) cold when we___(leave) the house that day.​

АминаКурбанова17 АминаКурбанова17    1   06.12.2020 15:10    20

260г 260г  22.12.2023 09:48
1. It was raining when we came out of the shopping centre.
In this sentence, the past continuous tense is used to describe an ongoing action in the past. "It was raining" indicates that the rain was already happening at the moment we came out of the shopping centre.

2. I was ill last week.
Here, the past simple tense is used to describe a past event. "I was ill" indicates that the speaker was sick during the previous week.

3. He broke his leg when he was skiing.
In this sentence, both the past simple tense and the past continuous tense are used. "He broke his leg" describes a past event, while "he was skiing" indicates what activity he was engaged in at the time of the leg break.

4. I looked out of the window and saw that people were walking in the park.
The past simple tense is used for "I looked out of the window," indicating a completed action in the past. The past continuous tense is used for "people were walking in the park," describing an ongoing action at that moment.

5. Emma passed her exam a few weeks ago.
Here, the past simple tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. "Emma passed her exam" indicates that she successfully completed the exam a few weeks ago.

6. When we saw the spaceship, we stopped the car.
In this sentence, the past simple tense is used for both "saw the spaceship" and "stopped the car." Both actions happened in the past.

7. When did you buy the car? - I bought it a few years ago.
The past simple tense is used for both "did you buy" and "I bought." The first sentence asks about the time of the car purchase, and the second sentence provides the answer that it happened a few years ago.

8. Claire went to Egypt last month.
Here, the past simple tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. "Claire went to Egypt" indicates that she traveled to Egypt in the previous month.

9. She was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.
The past continuous tense is used for "was having" to describe an ongoing action in the past. The past simple tense is used for "the alarm clock rang" to indicate a momentary action that interrupted the ongoing action of the dream.

10. The car stopped at the lights.
In this sentence, the past simple tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. "The car stopped" indicates that the car halted at the traffic lights.

11. We were driving home in the middle of the night when we saw a flashing light.
Here, the past continuous tense is used for "were driving" to describe an ongoing action in the past. The past simple tense is used for "saw a flashing light" to indicate a momentary action that happened during the ongoing action of driving.

12. Soft music was playing when I went into the room.
The past continuous tense is used for "was playing" to describe an ongoing action in the past. The past simple tense is used for "I went into the room" to indicate a completed action.

13. Did you buy that bag while I was looking after the children?
The past simple tense is used for "did you buy" to ask about a past action. The past continuous tense is used for "was looking after" to describe an ongoing action that happened at the same time as the bag purchase.

14. It was cold when we left the house that day.
Here, the past simple tense is used for both "was cold" and "left the house." Both actions happened in the past.
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