1. исправьте ошибки в предложениях. (одно предложение правильное.) запишите правильный вариант. переведите на язык.
1. my parents are going buy a new apartment.
2. he might to visit his grandparents next week.
3. i would like watch this football match in the evening.
4. i would like to go to america next year.
5. i might to study french at the university.

2. закончите диалоги правильными краткими ответами. переведите на язык.
1. do you think he might pass the exam? – yes, he
2. are you going to listen to this concert? – no, i
3. is he going to invite her to the party? – yes, he
4. would you like to have lunch? – no, i
5. would you like to join me? – yes, i

3. напишите глагол в скобках в present continuous. переведите предложения на рус-ский язык.
1. she (meet) her boyfriend this evening.
2. my (have) a dinner party tonight.
3. what (do) this weekend?
4. my sister (stay) at friend’s house all weekend.
5. where you (have) dinner.

4. из предложенных вариантов, написанных жирным шрифтом, выберите правильный. переведите фразы на язык.
1. since (3 years/ 4 o’clock)
2. for about (a month/ last june)
3 for (2001/ 25 minutes)
4. since (last year/ two hours)
5. for (a month or two/ wednesday)

5. какое из предложений, обозначенных буквами, соответствует исходному. переведите выбранный вариант на язык.
1. i’ve had a computer since i was 10.
a. i’ve got a computer now.
b. i haven’t got a computer now.
2. he had a computer for 10 years.
a. he’s got a computer now.
b. he hasn’t got a computer now.

msckayla msckayla    1   06.10.2019 13:21    18

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