1. In the south Ukraine is washed by the ... and the 2. The ... length of the frontiers is 6, 500 kilometers, including 1,050 kilometers of the
sea frontiers.
3. We can admire picturesque ... of the green Carpathians and the Crimean hills, the
green forests of Poltava, Chernihiv and Kyiv, the endless steppes of Kherson, Mickolayiv
and Odesa.
4. The main territory of Ukraine is..., but mountains make up 5% of it.
5. The highest point of the Ukrainian Carphatians is ...– 2,061metres above the sea
6. The ... is a peninsula located in the south of Ukraine and is washed by the Black Sea
and the Sea of Azov.
7. In ancient times the territory of present-day Ukraine was inhabited by ... .
8. The ... of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location.
9. On the ...of ... ... Ukraine became an independent state.
10. President is elected by the people of the country at a general election for a period of
... years. Потрібно доповнити речення

Gobbygo Gobbygo    3   26.01.2021 14:03    0

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